Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.02.2016 09:06
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Report of scientific and organizational activities of ANAS Department of Biological and Medical Sciences in 2015

Report of scientific and organizational activities of ANAS Department of Biological and Medical Sciences in 2015

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov reported on the scientific and organizational work carried out in the department during the year at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS on February 4.

Academician noted that in the reporting year, scientific institutions that make up the department, led the joint research work via research institutions, functioning under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Important measures implemented for use of innovative ideas and raise the level of scientific research in scientific and organizational activity of ANAS. Academician-Secretary of the department briefed the participants on the important achievements obtained in the reporting year: "Last year, 445 research works on 193 topics covering 41 scientific problems have been conducted in the scientific institutions of the department, of which 80 topics and 181 works completed. The results of 127 research papers have been applied. In the reporting year, 69 books were published by employees of scientific institutions, one of which was published abroad, 49 textbooks and non-fiction works. In 2015, published 1172 theses, 203 of which are published abroad; 1793 articles, 177 of which were published in journals with impact factor. Also were defended 57 theses, submitted documents for the defense of 52 theses."

Ahliman Academician Amiraslanov noted that 25 documents have been given for obtaining a patent, received 5 patents, 4 of which received abroad. The meeting provided information on the activities of international and national scale carried out in the framework of state programs approved by the President Ilham Aliyev, including those implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Presidium of ANAS.

Academician-secretary of the department spoke about the international scientific cooperation. He noted that the Institute of Physiology of ANAS, Institute of Gerontology D.F.Chebotareva behalf of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities conducted joint research on the theme "The level of longevity: the study of the nervous and cardiovascular systems." Meanwhile, to study the biodiversity of flora of the republic and other problems the Institute of Botany of ANAS established links with the Natural History Museum Fribourg (Switzerland), University of Seville (Spain), the Botanical Garden of Missouri and Iowa State University (USA), Belarusian State University, International Centre for the development of agriculture on saline soils (İCBA) and a number of other scientific organizations. Along with this, the Institute of Botany conducts joint research with the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity at the University of Frankfurt (Germany) and the Iowa University (USA).

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