Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.02.2016 14:52
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Round table on “Iran at the modern stage" held

Round table on “Iran at the modern stage" held

On February 5, round table on "Iran at the modern stage" dedicated to 37th anniversary of the Iranian Islamic Revolution co-organized by Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Ziya Bunyadov and Culture Center of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Azerbaijan.

At the event, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, corresponding member of ANAS Govhar Bakhshaliyeva spoke about the existing relations between the two countries in various fields and noted that the establishment headed by her widely studies history, political life and literature of the Eastern countries, including Iran.

Then, Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsun Pakayi spoke about friendship relations between two countries and highly praised it. Azerbaijan always supported Iran during its difficult times, demonstrated brotherhood to it. Role of scientific dignity is undeniable in enhancing of these ties, was noted.

M.Pakayi made speech on Iran Islamic Revolution, and past-revolution and modern state of this government. Ambassador informed about reforms held in the country in all spheres after revolution.

Chief of Iran history and economy department, PhD in history Vidadi Mustafayev also reported in the event.

Chief of Culture Center of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Azerbaijan Ibrahim Ibrahimi highlighted that, his country is in favor of peace and the elimination of sanctions is not significant only for Iran, but also for the whole region.

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