Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.02.2016 15:12
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Presentation of the next work exposing the hostile policy of Armenians against our people

Presentation of the next work exposing the hostile policy of Armenians against our people

Electronic assembly hall of ANAS Institute of Literature hosted the presentation "Oikonymy of Azerbaijani origin in Armenian territory and politics of armenization" book by Sitara Mirmahmudova on February 19.

Opening the event, Vice-President of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbeyli told about scientific and historical significance of books. He noted that, the new edition is a submitted to the defense in 1986 thesis work of the PhD. of the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR Sitara Mirmahmudova "Oikonymy of Azerbaijani origin in Armenian territory and politics of armenization".

Unfortunately, studied in 1981-1986 research work was not confirmed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the former USSR.  

Describing the new book as a source of significance in political and ideological point of view, Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that, numerous historical facts collected in the edition, official documents  testifying to the armenizing the oikonyms of Azerbaijani-Turkish origin existed in the territory of present Armenia, other archival materials involved to the study, including the usage of Armenian and other sources, further increase the scientific value of the work.

The author of foreword to the book which was published by the initiative and on the basis of materials submitted by the Consul General of Azerbaijan to Istanbul Hasan Zeynalov, is a winner of the State Prize, Doctor of historical sciences Kerim Shukurov, editor is PhD in History Farhad Jabbarov.

At the event, Acting Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Nagisoylu, Director of Ataturk Center in Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Institute of Geography, correspondent member of ANAS Elbrus Alizadeh, Head of Department of the Institute of Linguistics, Professor Ismayil Mammadov and others praised the scientific value of the book.

Noted that the new edition will be a valuable resource for researchers, who study the process of settlement of Armenians in the ancient Azerbaijani lands and the establishment here the Armenian state, including the study of the causes and consequences of the transformation of the aggressive Armenian state to the mono-ethnic country, as well as professionals with an interest in the issue a multi-vector of the Armenian aggression, which is exposed to the Azerbaijani people.

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