Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


08.04.2016 09:40
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Presented websites of the scientific departments of ANAS

Presented websites of the scientific departments of ANAS

April 7, a meeting on the presentation of the web-sites of scientific departments of the Academy was held at the Presidium of ANAS.

The meeting was attended by scientific secretaries of scientific departments of ANAS, the staff of the Department of Public Relations and Science Popularization of the Presidium Administration of ANAS and officials of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

First, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev brought to the attention, that in 1995, the first website began operating in Azerbaijan, which currently is the herald of Azerbaijani science. Taking advantage of great prestige, promptly and fully covers the events taking place in the domestic science. He noted that the official portal of ANAS served as a great example of when creating web sites, which will be presented at the meeting.

Noting that in recent years, ANAS intensively used information and communication technologies, R.Alguliyev noted that the innovations taking place currently in the Azerbaijan science, and information on the activities of the scientists quickly highlights not only through the website, but also social networks.

R.Alguliyev said that the structure headed by him will be given constant technological support web-sites of ANAS scientific branches. The scientist also noted that in order to increase efficiency of web sites of Academy is planned implementation of various competitions and evaluation criterion.

Then sector chief of the Institute of Information Technology Afruz Gurbanova presented websites of scientific departments of ANAS. Speaking in the light of a website Department of Physical, Mathematical-Technical Sciences, the speaker noted that the main objective in the creation of web-sites of scientific departments is to inform domestic and world public activities of research institutions in a broader form.

According A.Gurbanova websites were brought into line with all the requirements and performance of websites Special State Protection Service, including government agencies, security is fully assured. The speaker then informed in detail about the structure of the site. She noted that on the main page of the site contains ads and news in various categories. She stressed that the website has a powerful search engine, brought to the attention that placed here the important links related to the department. The site, which will operate in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, Russian, English), the following sections: "Research institutions", "Periodicals", "Research on the Problems of the Council", "Official Documents Branch", "Government programs and projects "," Meetings and Events ".

In conclusion, the participants of the event had an extensive exchange of views, voiced a number of proposals.

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