Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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22.04.2016 16:35
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Baku European Lyceum hosted the opening ceremony of Science Nook

Baku European Lyceum hosted the opening ceremony of Science Nook

ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists and ANAS Department of Chemical Sciences and Baku European Lyceum opened Science Nook on April 22.

At the opening ceremony, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Baku European Lyceum on behalf of the Presidium of the Academy for arranging meetings with famous scientists of ANAS students.

Academician noted that, the establishment at the Lyceum the Science Nook reflecting the activities of branches, is the integration of science and education, and added that the students were able to gather in the corners of science and to conduct scientific discussions.

Adding that, for several years the Academy is trying to accelerate the integration of science and education, by institutes of ANAS were established the basic department and started training for the master, Academician stressed that, the development of domestic science depends on this unity. Academic-Secretary noted that, a scientific institution of ANAS periodically organizes days of "open door" for pupils, which is of great interest in the students.

Then the director of the Lyceum Aygun Mikailova expressed his gratitude to the President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh for the cooperation established between Baku European Lyceum and ANAS. She stressed that, such projects will soon lead to an increase in the number of young specialists in the field of fundamental, natural and technical sciences, and high technologies, will help improve people's interest in science.

Speaking at the event, Chairman of ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, PhD in physics Famin Salmanov said that, this project is not the first initiative carried out by the Council at the educational institutions. Speaking about the need for science and education unity, Chairman added that, in order to increase knowledge and capabilities of the younger generation in the framework of such projects as "Pupil of today is the scientist of tomorrow", "Entertaining and educational experiments" and many other competitions, were organized knowledge competitions and seminars.

Then at the event were reported director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Academician Vagif Abbasov, director of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, Academician Vagif Farzaliyev Deputy Director of the Institute of Polymer Materials, corresponding member of ANAS, Bakhtiyar Mammadov, who familiarized the students with relevant scientific industries.

After the red tape has been cut, participants were familiarized with the Science Nook, in which were reflected visual aids, showing activity of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Chemistry of Additives and Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry.

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