Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.05.2016 10:29
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Exhibition and a seminar devoted the results of archaeological excavations in Azerbaijan, aroused great interest of Japanese scientists

Exhibition and a seminar devoted the results of archaeological excavations in Azerbaijan, aroused great interest of Japanese scientists

The seminar organized at the Tokyo University on the "Neolithic of the Caucasus" devoted to results of the archeological excavations which are carried out in the Tovuz, Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and the exhibition consisting of archaeological materials has caused a great interest of the Japanese scientists.

The coincidence of the exhibition and the seminar with jubilee events on the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Museum of the University of Tokyo has created the conditions for familiarization with these studies wider scientific and public audiences.

Speaking at the anniversary event, the head of department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS, PhD in History Farhad Guliyev informed that, the museum created a new laboratory, which will play an important role in the radiocarbon analysis in the future.

The next day was held scientific seminar on collaborative research of Azerbaijani and Japanese archaeologists.

The event was opened by Professor Yoshihiro Nishiaki of Tokyo University, who said that, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, since 2008, in collaboration with the University of Tokyo in Tovuz for archaeological research on resettlement processes tribes of the Neolithic period (VI millennium BC).

Highly appreciating the results of these studies Professor emphasized their scientific value.

At the seminar, presentations were made by Professor Seiji Kodavaki of Nagoya University, Department chief of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS, PhD in History Farhad Guliyev and Safar Ashurov.

In reports on the basis of the examples of material culture revealed in Goytepe and Hajiallahmanli as a result of joint international researches has been provided detailed information on an origin and dissemination of culture of the period of the Neolithic in Azerbaijan, and in general in the region.

It was noted that, in connection with the definition of chronological framework of Early Neolithic settlements were carried out more than 50 radiocarbon tests, have published articles in reputable scientific journals of the world.

And report of Safar Ashurov was devoted to the Kura-Araz culture of the Early Bronze Age period in the light of recent research.

The report has been given information about the culture of tribes wide spread in Azerbaijan and the whole Caucasus, Middle East along the Kura-Araz lowland.

As a result of studies carried out in Nakhchivan showed that, these monuments of culture differ from others and go back to an earlier period.

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