Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.06.2016 16:47
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Awarding ceremony of young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Chemical Additives held

Awarding ceremony of young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Chemical Additives held

On June 1, an awarding ceremony of young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Chemical Additives of ANAS named after Acad. A.Guliyev was held.

At the event director of the institute Academician Vagif Farzaliyev brought to mind the winners of the projects “Academician Ali Guliyev Prize for the Youth” and “The best academic lecture” due to boost young scientists and specialists, working at the institute led by him, for the higher level of scientific studies.

Director of the institute stated that, Prize, establishing on behalf of outstanding chemist-scientist Academician Ali Guliyev, in order to perpetuate his memory, is granted to the young scientists of high academic results. According to him, during the selection of nominees, indicators such as articles published on the prestigious (high impact factor) journals, presentations at international conferences, patents, citing to the scientific works are taken into account.

Informing about “The best academic lecture”, director stressed out that, submitted lectures have been dedicated to the topics of nominees’ scientific-research works or annual Action Plan of the laboratory, where they operate. 

Academician V.Farzaliyev also noted the commencing English courses at the institute due to increase youth’s skills of foreign language. Simultaneously, allocation of 2 places for the Institute of Chemical Additives in master studies of ANAS since this year.

Then, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists PhD in Chemistry Afsun Sujayev drew attention to the taken measures, aimed to involve youth into the science. Notifying the hold of this event for 3 years, A.Sujayev appreciated the implementation of the competitions among young scientists and specialists, awarding the talented youth as vital events. He thanked to the institute management for great support of youth.

Council chairman stressed out that, awardees were defined by Expert Commission of the Institute of Chemical Additives.

Member of Competition Commission PhD in Chemistry Shahmardan Aliyev spoke about the criteria for the selection of winners and evaluation, including privileges observed during lecture submission.

Further, awarding ceremony was held. Sabiye Osmanova awarded the first place on nominee "The best academic lecture" contest, while second place was held by Konul Gahramanova and Gunay Ismailova - a third place. In addition, young researcher at the Institute Sevinj Gojayeva was awarded the "Prize on behalf of Academic Ali Guliyev”.

In closing, all awardees were submitted the diplomas.

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