Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.06.2016 11:57
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Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory of ANAS discussed perspective directions of science

Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory of ANAS discussed perspective directions of science

June 29, Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory named after N. Tusi (SAO) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences held a mobile meeting of the Presidium of ANAS. At the event, the director of SAO, corresponding member of ANAS Namig Jalilov made a lecture on "Perspective directions of development of science in Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory named Nasraddin Tusi of ANAS".

Speaking about the achievements obtained in various fields of astrophysics, the scientist noted that currently the main goal of astronomers is the development of astrophysics in the country and removing her to the front ranks of the world. Talking about the features of astrophysical development of the modern period as the fundamental science, the speaker stressed that the research industry can develop only in the conditions of the joint cooperation of scientific centers of the world: "As the process of a comprehensive study of the space object requires very large financial outlay, the leading scientific centers of the world are joining opportunities and implement joint space research projects. If we consider that at present Azerbaijan also has certain capabilities in the space sector, it is necessary to use and to place on our artificial satellites, research instruments.”

Namig Jalilov also announced proposals such as the establishment of relations with Azerbaijani scientists who work in foreign countries in the field of astrophysics and close to it of sciences, the establishment of joint research groups, including implementation of joint space with conducting surveillance research centers simultaneous terrestrial and space-based observations. He noted that for this purpose, first of all, you need to start mobilizing astrophysicists working in Azerbaijan, and complete the process of modernization of astronomical devices, available in the country.

The rapporteur has put forward a proposal to use capabilities Batabat Astrophysical Observatory of ANAS Nakhchivan Branch and Agdara astronomical station for photometric observations, which is located in Ordubad. He noted that for this purpose the specialists should evaluate the technical condition of the facilities available in these telescopes, carry out the necessary measures for their modernization and the beginning of the joint operation of the telescopes on the basis of appropriate agreements.

Then Namig Jalilov transferred important scientific results obtained in Shamakhi Observatory, both theoretical and experimental way. It is reported that the results obtained in such important areas as the topical problems of theoretical astrophysics and cosmology, especially the various stages of stellar evolution, actual problems of solar physics and solar-terrestrial relations, including security issues Earth and artificial satellites.

The scientist noted that in order to conduct comprehensive research on the space objects requirement of modern science is to carry out the photometric experiments on artificial satellites and spectral synchronous experiments in ground-based telescopes. Saying that SAO had already started work in this area, Namig Jalilov added that, together with the University of Montreal (Canada) under investigation massive hot Wolf-Rayet stars, together with the Moscow State University (Russia) - the study of Seyfert galaxies. The speaker also noted that the studies that are conducted in the field of physics of the interstellar medium, together with Copernicus University (Poland) and the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia), will give the opportunity to enter the international arena.

After hearing the report, with the purpose to assist in the training of personnel have been adopted corresponding decisions on the allocation of seats in the magistracy by ANAS Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory, making changes in the structure of scientific institutions in accordance with the priorities, etc.

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