Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Academic Mammadtagi Jafarov is 80
18.06.2016 10:00
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Academic Mammadtagi Jafarov is 80

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University hosted the republican scientific-practical conference devoted the 80th anniversary of Academician M. Jafarov on the topic "Ways to increase the fertility of the soil".

Rector of University, told on scientific activity of outstanding scientist, corresponding member of ANAS Ibrahim Jafarov, spoke about his contribution to the development of the agricultural sector, and wished success to the conference. Director of ANAS Institute of Soil Science and Agro Chemistry, Professor Alovsat Guliyev reported on "Azerbaijan water karez systems and their rehabilitation issues (such as the Ganja-Gazakh region)". It was noted that, M.Jafarov professional career began in 1959, concluded all his life the Academy of Agriculture and the end of his life he worked as the assistant, associate professor, professor, finally, rector.

Member of many international academies and societies M.Jafarov also plays an important role in strengthening the statehood of the most active members of the Political Council of New Azerbaijan Party. M. Jafarov known as researcher of actual problems of land study in the country and abroad.

His methods of regulating fertility of soil solution phosphorus problems in agriculture, the theoretical basis of the restoration of Azerbaijani lands and the effective use of land devoted to work on the dignity of the fund evaluated the experts.

These investigations results have been successfully applied in agriculture in different years.

Academician-Secretary of the Ganja Deoartment of ANAS, Academician Fuad Aliyev, Director of Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture, associate professor Javanshir Təlai and others delivered lectures on various topics.

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