Famous scientist and public figure of the Republic, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, personal pensioner of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander of the Order "Sharaf" Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ismail Ibrahimov was buried in the second Alley of Honor on July 16.
Event was attended by governmental officials, MPs of Milli Majlis, scientific dignity and public figures.
Director of ANAS Institute of Control Systems, Academician Telman Aliyev spoke about the fruitful scientific activity of the outstanding scientist, his considerable merit in the development of cybernetics, control systems, automation and information technologies in Azerbaijan.
It was noted that, in the person I.Ibrahimov the Azerbaijani science and education have lost a great scientist. I.Ibrahimov, received higher education in the energy faculty of Azerbaijan Industrial Institute, laid the foundations of computer science and cybernetics in our country.
He owns the important achievements in the development of high-level computer science and cybernetics in our country at the present stage.
Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev told about life of I.Ibrahimov, his contribution to the development of Azerbaijani science. It was noted that, I.Ibrahimov, first obtained in the early 1930s, education in computer science, belong to the invaluable contribution in the development of this industry.
The scientist, who laid the foundation of computer science in Azerbaijan, at the same time made a great contribution to the development of education in our country. The first informatics Azerbaijan I.Ibrahimov is one of the founders of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry.
Students of the scientist, who owns great merits in training oil workers in our country, today successfully continue their activities in the country and abroad. As a scientist, organizer, educator, social activist, he has dedicated his life to the people. In 1970 I.Ibrahimov held the post of first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR.
He is the author a large contribution to the establishment of functioning in our country today factories, research institutions in the field of electronics, radio engineering, and telecommunications.
Scientific and public work of the scientist was always highly appreciated by the state. The Academician I.Ibrahimov has been awarded by the national leader Heydar Aliyev the high awards, at the time of the former USSR has received an honorary title of the Hero of Socialist work.
He until the end of life continued scientific activity at ANAS. The course of life of the Academician possessing high human qualities is an example for the younger generation. Light memory of the scientist, his rich scientific heritage will live forever, to serve our people, science, to pass from father to son.
Allah rehmet etsin!
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