Employees of the Institute of Soil Science and Agro Chemistry of ANAS were on a business trip in teaching practical recreation center of Baku State University (BSU) in Guba.
In the framework of the signed memorandum between the two structures, employees of this scientific institutions participated in joint field work with students of the Faculty of Soil Science and Ecology BSU.
The goal was to inculcate students with the knowledge and skills of scientists, increase in their interest in research, improving the state of preparation of students to practice and production on the basis of the principle of the unity of science and education. During practice was founded soil profiles at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, carried out research on the structure of the soil, its texture, traces of soil formation processes, distribution of plant roots in the ground.
Students have received detailed information, closely watched for their field work. To continue the process of implementing appropriate comprehensive practical work has been recognized in this way. Carrying out such works with the participation of students is provided in the Reference section of the Institute of Soil Science and Agro Chemistry in Ujar region.
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