Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.07.2016 09:22
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Azerbaijani geologists develop cooperation with Italian colleagues

Azerbaijani geologists develop cooperation with Italian colleagues

Within the agreement on cooperation, concluded between ANAS and National Research Council of Italy (NRC) head of department of the Institute of Environmental Analysis Methodology Environment of the National Research Council of Italy, Professor Luciano Teleska visited to ANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

The goal of the visit was to discuss the initial results of the joint project "Assessment of seismicity and seismic hazard in terms of spatio-temporal analysis of the territory of Azerbaijan", implemented under the grant CNR by the Institute Environmental Analysis Methodology Environment, the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS and the Republican Seismic Survey Center.

The Azerbaijan project manager, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences, Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov and Professor Luciano Teleska noted that, the analysis parameters of Gutenberg-Richter law with new static methods and approaches make it possible to identify new dynamic patterns of temporal and spatial distribution of earthquakes.

It was decided by the comparative analysis of new results on the territory of Azerbaijan and the results achieved in research in the field of tectonic fracture and GPS, to continue work on the preparation of maps of seismic hazard areas and articles with the general results.

L.Teleska appreciated the studies which carried out at the department and provided for the future, and also recognized the utility of the joint continuation of these works.

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