In the territory of Agdam region Ergi, were found a ceramic bowl and a vase. Samples of material culture were identified by Ilgar Mammadov, IDP from the village of Marzili, during chores.
After reviewing the items, a leading researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS Tevekkul Aliyev noted that 30 years ago while archaeological excavations held in the territory Ergi have revealed a number of samples of material culture. However, over the last decade, studies have not been conducted in these areas. But despite this, in the course of commercial work here continues to identify many of the material culture samples stored from the locals.
Archaeologists working in the Karabakh region were acquainted with the objects that are stored in separate houses on the territory of Ergi. Among these items of particular importance is attached to bowls and vases belonging to the Achaemenid period, since in this region is very rare to find such vessels, dating from the VI-IV centuries BC.
Discovered items were transferred to the Aghdam historical museum. The museum's director Ulvi Gadirov said that created in 1962 and includes more than 2500 exhibits of the Aghdam historical museum was looted during the occupation of Agdam Armenian armed forces in 1993. In 2001, due to the collected and restored samples of material culture with the support of the local population from the unoccupied territory of the district, as well as items discovered during archaeological research, the Museum resumed its activities. Currently, the museum, in the current building of the House of Culture Garadagli village, features more than 1000 exhibits.
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