On September 5, Presidium of ANAS discussed the action plan in connection with the formation on the master's degree in 2016-2017 academic years.
The meeting was attended by leaders of scientific institutions of education departments, persons directly responsible for organizing education in the magistracy.
Head of ANAS Education and Science Office, PhD in Chemistry, Omar Gulalov informed about the plan of activities in connection with the formation of a master's degree.
It was noted that, this year, the biggest competition to the master's degree admission was observed at ANAS. He said: "In recent years, ANAS carried out some work in order to further improve the efficiency of research activities, ensure the application of fundamental and applied research in the socio-economic and other spheres, as well as the proper use of the scientific staff wich held at academy. We can say with certainty that, usage of the capacity of academy will help in the preparation of more qualified specialists. For improvement of quality of education in magistracy we will regularly hold similar meetings".
O.Gulalov brought to the attention, that in the coming days is expected meeting of President, Academician Akif Alizadeh with undergraduates. Then, Deputy Head of the Scientific and Analytical Department of ANAS, PhD in Engineering, Huseyn Huseynov said that, in 2016-2017 academic year on 19 specialties received to Academy Masters 56 people.
Informing on curriculum and teaching hours H. Huseynov responded questions of participants.
He noted that, scientific institutions engaged in master's education at ANAS will be provided with all the regulatory documents by the Science and Education Office.
In conclusion, wishing success to the participants of the meeting O.Gulalov said that, for the organization of master's education at a high level in the new academic year, by the leadership of ANAS all necessary steps will be taken.
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