Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


2nd Azerbaijan Science Festival to be held
06.09.2016 14:37
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2nd Azerbaijan Science Festival to be held

2nd Azerbaijan Science Festival will be held in different regions of the country on October 31- November 5, 2016.

The festival will take place at the initiative of ANAS, under the auspices of UNESCO, and organizational support by the Baku City Executive Power, Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan, the Knowledge Foundation under AR President, Ministries of Education, High Technologies, the Moscow State University and US Embassy in Baku.

A number of events will be held in Baku, Nakhchivan, Sumgayit, Sheki and Ganja within the framework of Science Festival. Excursions will be organized to the scientific division and regional research centers of academy. In addition, the festival is going to feature scientists’ scientific achievements, which were accepted in recent years around the world. Young scientists’ performances in various fields of science, including touring with creative workshops and interactive exhibitions, contests, the reports covering new scientific achievements, attractive research shows, demonstration of scientific-popular films about enterprises and institutions of academy are planned as well.

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