Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.10.2016 09:14
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Editions of the Institute of History aroused great interest on European scientists

Editions of the Institute of History aroused great interest on European scientists

Within the project “The promotion multicultural values of Azerbaijan in Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg, and organizing promo issue of monuments destroyed by Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh among young scientists in Europe", which co-realized by Azerbaijan Society of Young Scientists, Post-graduates and Masters and Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, carried out awareness activities in Brussels, Dusseldorf, Berlin and Luxembourg cities for young scientists and researchers.

ANAS Institute of History informs that, European young scientists were brought to mind on Azerbaijan to be a model of tolerance and multiculturalism, falsified and destroyed archaeological monuments in the territories occupied by Armenians, historical truths concerning homonyms etc.

Within the frame of project, exhibition was organized at the University of Luxemburg and at the building of Trade Chamber. The exhibition with participation of young scientists from 35 European countries, were distributed editions of the Institute of History covering history, culture of Azerbaijan, and genocides committed against our country. Books dubbed "Inheritance rights of Azerbaijan people, living in Irevan and in surrounding land should be restored", "Real history and the "Great Armenian "fiction", "Azerbaijan: a brief history of statehood", "Azerbaijanis: overview of ethnic and political history" aroused interest on European young scientists.

Moreover, European young scientists were informed of Azerbaijan truths at the exhibitions organized in Brussels and Berlin.

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