Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.10.2016 13:39
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Event devoted to Academician Midhat Abasov’s 90th anniversary

Event devoted to Academician Midhat Abasov’s 90th anniversary

October 14, the Central Scientific Library (CSL) of ANAS hosted an event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, organizer of science, active member of ANAS, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Engineering, Professor, Honored Worker of Science, laureate of the State Prize Midhat Abasov.

Opening the event president of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about the scientific and socio-political activity of the outstanding scientist Midhat Abasov, his multifaceted work in the theory and practice of development of oil-gas fields. He emphasized the crucial role in the formation of M.Abasov in scientific and social thought of Azerbaijan.

Next, the first Vice-President of SOCAR, Academician Khoshbakht Yusifzadeh made a lecture about multi-faceted activities and glorious way of life of the famous scientist on the topic "The eminent scientist in the field of oil-gas fields." It was noted that M.Abasov was a prominent scientist in the field of oil-gas fields and the founder and leader of scientific school in this field. Many scientific results achieved by him in the various years, as significant scientific results have been included in the annual reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. The scientist was one of the first scouts of hydrocarbon fields in Azerbaijan.

It was noted that, in 1976-1990 scientist held the position of Academician-Secretary of Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS, and in 1990-1997 he become Vice-President of the Academy.

In 1989, he was elected deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet of the 12th convocation, in 1991-1992 the Secretary of State of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1968 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy, in 1980 - active member and in 1984 - a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

It was brought to attention that M.Abbasov - author of over 650 scientific articles, 16 monographs. He took part in several international scientific forums, conferences and symposiums. Under his leadership it was trained 40 PhD and 21 Doctors.

During the event was delivered topic by correspondent member of ANAS Zohak Abbasov on "Scientific School of Academician Midhat Abbasov in the field of oil and gas development and its achievements", corresponding member of ANAS Garib Jalalov on "Scientific school of Academician M.Abbasov in the scientific field of fluid dynamics of oil and gas fields in Azerbaijan and its success".

At the meeting acted Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Doctor of Engineering Sciences Azizaga Shahverdiyev, writer Seyran Sakhavat and others and shared their memories about the scientist and characterized M.Abbasov not only a great scientist, but also a great man.

In summary, on behalf of the family son of the scientist Teymur Abbasov expressed his gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event for the respect and reverence for the memory of his father.

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