Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Employees of ANAS Nakhchivan Division met with the magistrates of Nakhchivan State University
25.10.2016 09:36
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Employees of ANAS Nakhchivan Division met with the magistrates of Nakhchivan State University

The Nakhchivan State University (NSU) held a meeting with employees of ANAS Nakhchivan Division and magistrates.

Rector of the University, corresponding member of ANAS Saleh Maharramov spoke about the level of master studies in the university. He started talking about the fruitful scientific collaboration with the University and Nakhchivan Division of ANAS, the exchange of experience and successful research activities of the University.

Chairman of Nakhchivan Division of ANAS Academician Ismayil Hajiyev noted that established in 2002 on the initiative of national leader Heydar Aliyev division is an important research center of Nakhchivan. He noted that there are 6 research institutes; Laboratory of Biochemical Research, "Botanical Garden", a rich electronic library, publishing house "Tusi", journal "News", published in two series, journal "Quest" and Dissertation Council. Branch is connected to the international Internet.

It was noted that over the years by employees were prepared for publication "Encyclopedia of Nakhchivan" in two volumes, "Historical Atlas of Nakhchivan", the first volume of multi-volume "History of Nakhchivan", "Annals of Nakhchivan Theater", etc.

Ismayil Hajiyev noted that NSU plays a fundamental role of human resource capacity for Nakhchivan Division of ANAS, informed the undergraduates about vacancies, and invited them to active cooperation and fruitful scientific activity.

Director of the Institute of Bio resources of Nakhchivan Division Academician Tariel Talibov also advised the magistrates to engage in research and noted that the achievement of academic success is possible thanks to the infinite love and interest in science and scientific dedication.

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