Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.10.2016 15:19
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“Yashar Garayev’s heritage: literature history and modern challenges” conference conducted

“Yashar Garayev’s heritage: literature history and modern challenges” conference conducted

On October 26, Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS conducted a conference “Yashar Garayev’s heritage: literature history and modern challenges” devoted to 80th anniversary of corresponding member Yashar Garayev. The book of 5 volumes composed of literalist’s works was presented in the conference as well.

Vice-President of ANAS Academician Isa Habibbeyli opened the event and highlighted the study of notable scientist’s creativity as one of the vital factors in development of modern science. Academician spoke about scientists’ contributions in Azerbaijan literature study. Presenting book of 5 volumes composed of Yashar Garayev’s works, I.Habibbeyli dealt with other edition –“Yashar Garayev: From near and far. Articles and memories”.

Later on, Chief of XX century Azerbaijan literature (The Soviet era) Department of the Institute, Professor Shirindil Alishanli made a lecture on “Yashar Garayev’s theoretical heritage and methodological searches of modern literature study", chief of Literature Theory Department, Professor Tahira Mammad on “Creativity method concept by Yashar Garayev”.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Hungary Dr. Philology Prof. Vilayat Guliyev, Doctors of Philological Sciences – Gazanfar Pashayev, Rustam Kamal, Rahid Ulusel, PhD in Philology Aygun Baghirli reported at the event and told about creative features of Yashar Guliyev’s performance.

In closing, books published by editorship of Academician Isa Habibbeyli – 5 volumes of “Yashar Garayev. Selected works”, and “Yashar Garayev: From near and far. Articles and memories” have been submitted to the conference attendees.

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