Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan History organized exhibition “Ilhamli Azerbaijan, inamli Azerbaijan”
06.10.2013 00:00
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ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan History organized exhibition “Ilhamli Azerbaijan, inamli Azerbaijan”

October 7, 2013 ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature organized the exhibition “Ilhamli Azerbaijan, inamli Azerbaijan”.  

The exhibition devoted to the development of the Republic of Azerbaijan, have been demonstrated materials that show the progress made by Azerbaijan in the last 10 years under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev.

During the exhibition, a meeting with the participation of the museum staff, prominent figures of science and culture, museum's director corresponding member of ANAS , prof. <a class="link" target=_blank href=>Rafael Huseynov</a> noted that the 10-year period, Azerbaijan has passed a long way and has become one of the most prestigious countries over the world. R. Huseynov also spoke about the implemented activities and achievements, living conditions in the country, about the importance of taking the head of the country's public programs that serve the socio - economic development. It was noted that, while remaining faithful political course of Heydar Aliyev , President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has taken important decisions in the field of science , education and culture. “Our country has achieved high performance in all areas of life - the most important in the economy and in domestic and foreign policy, said R. Huseynov.  

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