Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.11.2016 17:40
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"Promoting creativity of Huseyn Javid among adolescent students" project kicked off

"Promoting creativity of Huseyn Javid among adolescent students" project kicked off

The project "Promoting of Huseyn Javid’s creativity among students" organized by ANAS Huseyn Javid’s Memorial Flat and Youth Fundation under AR President.

The last eventwithin project was organized by School "Europe-Azerbaijan" in Sabail district of Baku.

During the event, school teacher Huseyn Shahbandayev, scientific secretary of the Huseyn Javid’s Memorial Flat Natig Mursalov, head of the the project Farida Aliyeva told about life and creativity, significance of the works of the great poet and playwright Huseyn Javid.

Also, information was given about the book "The Wisdom of Javid: Selected Aphorisms (in Azerbaijani and English languages)" and to the students were donated books.

Note that, the originator and author of the "Forewords" to the book is the Director of the Javid’s Memorial Flat, Doctor of Philological Science Gulbaniz Babakhanli and scientific consultant is Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli.

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