Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.11.2016 17:59
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At a meeting of the Presidium of ANAS delivered a report "Realities and prospects for geopolitical development of Azerbaijan"

At a meeting of the Presidium of ANAS delivered a report "Realities and prospects for geopolitical development of Azerbaijan"

On November 18, the regular meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was took place. Firstly, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh handed over Honorary Diploma of ANAS Jabbar Beylerov for long-term, flawless and fruitful work at the Academy.

At the event was a presentation on "Realities and prospects for geopolitical development of Azerbaijan", by the Assistant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on socio-political issues, Doctor of historical sciences, Professor Ali Hasanov.

After hearing the report, which referred to the modern geopolitical realities and prospects of Azerbaijan, the context of the global socio-political processes in the region and the world, held extensive discussions were presented the answers to questions.

At the meeting held discussions on the issue of the execution of orders of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev on November 8, 2016 "On creation of the Park of High Technologies of ANAS". President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh said that the main purpose of the document is to increase state support aimed at continuous development and increase of competitiveness of the economy, the expansion of the field of innovation and high technology, which is based on modern scientific and technological achievements, research and the creation of modern complexes to develop new technologies. Academician noted that, in various scientific fields carried out innovative activities and the creation of the Park of High Technologies will further strengthen the activity of ANAS in this area.

The Working Group, which was tasked to prepare proposals and submit them to the Presidium of ANAS was created to enforce Orders in ANAS.

Draft "Doctrine of the development of Azerbaijani science" was also discussed at the event. In his speech on this issue, Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that one of the main priorities of the state policy is the development of science in the country. Having said that the future of Azerbaijan and its economic, political and military power is directly related to the scientific potential of the republic, academician stressed that the strategy of sustainable development of the country, as well as have arisen in the modern world, the global economic challenges have created a need for the development of Azerbaijan in step with the development of science.

Academician Akif Alizade reminded of the content and nature of the program bearing the speech of President Ilham Aliyev at the General Meeting, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of ANAS, in which the head of state has set new challenges in science, he talked about the future development of the country and the role of scientists in this development. Director of ANAS said that, guided by the President put forward the scientific priorities of the country, given them instructions and recommendations, April 29, 2016 General Meeting of the Academy adopted a resolution on the preparation of the "Doctrine of the development of Azerbaijani science." The academician said that the Doctrine of the project was prepared by the Presidium of ANAS and widely discussed at the meeting of the National Council for the Coordination of Research.

After discussions the Doctrine of the project was approved by the Decree of the Presidium.

Next on the agenda was the question of the results of the Second Festival of Azerbaijani science. Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that during the festival, which was held from October 31 to November 5, 2016 in Baku, Nakhchivan, Sumgait, Sheki and Ganja, were carried out activities aimed at expanding ties between science and the public, a clear demonstration of scientific achievements and increase young people's interest in science. The academician said that the festival in its scope and format of the past this year was significantly different from the festival, organized in 2014, and attracted a lot of interest in the country.

Given the above, the Bureau praised the organization of the Second Festival of Science of Azerbaijan and adopted a resolution in which it was requested to prepare proposals on the occasion of the Third International Festival of Science and submit them to the Presidium of ANAS.

At a meeting to discuss the issue was put on the implementation of the "State Program on the implementation of the National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2016-2020 years" approved by Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev on September 20, 2016.

Presenting at a meeting of the Action Plan, designed to implement assigned to ANAS tasks in connection with the provided for in the relevant sections of the document activities, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliyev noted that the State program is of great importance from the point of view of the continuation of the policy on the formation of the country's information society , defining new priorities for the development, further expansion of favorable conditions for effective use of ICT capabilities of every citizen in the field of public administration and the business sector and in society at large. Academician informed about the tasks assigned to ANAS and as reflected in the Action Plan, the works to be performed on sections "Development of high-tech sector", "Strengthening scientific and technical capacities in the field of high technologies", "ICT as a factor in the development of society" "Training", "The development of national content", and the organizations responsible for their implementation.

The meeting approved the statutes, structure and size of the staff of Lankaran Regional Scientific Center, Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Law and Human Rights, Biophysics and Natural History Museum of ANAS.

Following decisions of the Presidium of the Institute of History, Oriental Studies, National Museum of History of Azerbaijan were established Departments of Education, the Institute of History and Oriental Studies - Department of International Relations at the Institute of Oriental Studies - Public Relations Department.

Also at the meeting were adopted resolution on the 90th anniversary of corresponding member of ANAS Agil Aliyev and the 70th anniversary of the correspondent member of ANAS Sevda Mammadaliyeva.

In conclusion, some of the personnel issues were discussed.

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