Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.11.2016 15:38
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The First International Scientific Conference on "Azerbaijani manuscripts in the libraries of the world"

The First International Scientific Conference on "Azerbaijani manuscripts in the libraries of the world"

November 18, at the Institute of Manuscripts named after Fuzuli of ANAS was held the First International Scientific Conference on "Azerbaijani manuscripts in the libraries of the world."

Conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of restoration of state independence of the Azerbaijan Republic, was aimed at popularization of Azerbaijani manuscripts in the world.

Initially, the event participants familiarized themselves with the exhibition, consisting of manuscripts.

Opening the event opening address, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Humanities, director of the Institute of Manuscripts, Academician Teymur Karimli, spoke about the importance of searching, gathering and publication of manuscripts, is our spiritual wealth.

Then the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the conference is devoted to a very topical subject. He stressed that the study of Russian classical literature is possible by means of manuscripts research. He also brought to the attention that many creative activities of Azerbaijani scientists began precisely with the Institute of Manuscripts. 

Speaking Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev told about the serious work carried out in the field of research and study of Azerbaijani manuscripts.

Then the head of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the Centre of Culture and Education in Azerbaijan Ahmed Sami Alaydi noted that in his country there are many manuscripts belonging to Azerbaijan.

The conference was listened reports by Director of the Institute of Linguistics, corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Naghisoylu "Azeri translation works in the world's libraries", Doctor of philological sciences, Professor Kamandar Sharifov "Azerbaijani manuscripts in Egypt", Doctor of Historical Sciences Tahir Hasanzadeh "Azerbaijani manuscripts in the library Astana-Qudsi Razavi”, PhD in philology Shahla Majidova "Azerbaijani manuscripts stored in Uzbekistan”.

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