Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.12.2016 16:18
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Commemorated outstanding playwright Huseyn Javid

Commemorated outstanding playwright Huseyn Javid

Huseyn Javid’s Memorial Flat hosted the commemorated event dedicated to 75th anniversary of prominent playwright, the great poet and philosopher Huseyn Javid’s decease on December 5.

Opening the event, Director of the museum, honored worker of culture, Ph.D Gulbaniz Babakhanli told about the work, the rich literary heritage of universal ideas and difficult path of the great poet.

It was noted that, Javid died on this day in 1941 at the age of 59 in Shevchenko village of Taishet district of Irkutsk region. The certificate of the poet's death was delivered to his family after 7 years after his death in 1948.

Speaking about the love to the national poet, G.Babahanli noted that, the delivery of Huseyn Javid’s remains after 40 years his death from Siberia, construction of the mausoleum in Nakhchivan, perpetuation in Baku, the construction of the monument, opening of the house-museum, a multi-volume edition of bulk, and others are connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev.

Then Hamid Jafarov, personally took part in the delivery of the Huseyn Javid’s remains from Siberia, gave detailed information about this historic event. He donated to the museum materials stored in a personal archive.

Taking part at the commemoration ceremony fans of creativity of Javid also familiarized with the exposition. In an exposition of the museum the handful of soil of the poet brought from the Siberian graves and "The tragedy of Javid" wich is a valuable exhibit of hall aroused particular interest among the participants.

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