Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.12.2016 13:18
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Notable scientist Agil Aliyev’s 90th anniversary celebrated in ANAS

Notable scientist Agil Aliyev’s 90th anniversary celebrated in ANAS

On December 13, a jubilee event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of notable scientist, corresponding member of ANAS Professor Agil Aliyev was held at the main building of ANAS.

Opening the event President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that the basis of the scientific activity of the corresponding member of ANAS Agil Aliyev was the development of material-technical base of agriculture, improvement of social welfare of the rural population and the solution of economic health problems. Academician said that a special place in scientific studies the link between health and economic development, "Agil Aliyev has conducted research in the field of the planning of medical services, ensure the dynamic growth of the allocated funds, improve indicators of demographic development. On the basis of specific facts, he proved that it was necessary to abandon the social sphere, including public health based on the residual principle.

Having said that, along with the conduct of fruitful research, corresponding member of ANAS Agil Aliyev was also engaged in pedagogical activity for a long time, he lectured at the Azerbaijan Medical University on political economy, has gone from an ordinary teacher to professor, rose to the position head of the Department.

ANAS President said that the scientific-pedagogical and social activity of the outstanding scientist was highly appreciated by our state, in 1982 he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science", later was awarded the Order of "Shohrat", badge "Excellent Health" and other state awards. Academician Akif Alizadeh said that commemorative event organized in accordance with the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev dated December 8, 2016, it is indicative of the fact that the scientific activity of the scientist is highly regarded to this day.

At the event, a lecture on "Social concept of the economic foundations of social science" was presented by the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stressed that valuable scientific works by corresponding member of ANAS Agil Aliyev played a significance role in social sphere in the development of society, filled gap in economics. He studied the social life of man in relation to his place and role in society, did scientific findings and, therefore, detected social face of the Azerbaijani society. Having said that, for his research in the field of health economics Agil Aliyev opened a new direction in domestic science, Academician Isa Habibbeyli added that his works devoted to the social economy, and in the area of health economics studies complement each other.

The next speaker was Academician-Secretary of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, who shared his memories about Agil Aliyev. Talking about the life and scientific activity of the outstanding scientist, academician spoke about his personal qualities. In his speech, Director of the Institute of Economy of ANAS, Doctor of Economic sciences Nazim Imanov noted that Agil Aliyev was one of the most famous economists of the last quarter century of Azerbaijan, who has studied the problem of living standards of people. Nazim Imanov emphasized that being a great scientist-economist, talented teacher and a good organizer, Agil Aliyev was a wonderful and caring person.

Then Nazim Imanov made a presentation on "Economic development and welfare of society."

Then with the report "An outstanding scientist and economist, studied the level and quality of life of the population" was made by corresponding member of ANAS Shahbaz Muradov, who noted that Agil Aliyev for the first time in the former Soviet Union systematically and comprehensively investigated the problem of personal consumption, constitute the material basis for improving the level and quality of life population.

Event was continued with speeches of guests about life and creativity of Agil Aliyev.

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