Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.01.2017 13:13
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Book "In Search of Time" presented in ANAS

Book "In Search of Time" presented in ANAS

Today, the main building of ANAS with the organizational support of the Institute of History named A.A.Bakihanov was presented a book "In Search of the Time", dedicated to the famous Azerbaijani millionaire oil magnate, philanthropist Agha Musa Naghiyev.

The event was attended by officials, MPs, science and the public representatives.

At the presentation, director of the Institute of History, corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov spoke about the importance of the new edition of the Baku millionaire Agha Musa Naghiyev. He noted that such books are very important from the viewpoint of studying the lives of historical personalities and bringing up future generations of detailed information about them.

It was noted that the author is a researcher and granddaughter of life and activities of Agha Musa Nagiyev - Dilara Agamusa Naghiyeva, scientific editor - Academician Arif Hashimov.

Afterwards the Acting Academician-Secretary of the Division of Social Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova noted that the book presented comprehensively investigated entrepreneurship, charitable and social activities of Agha Musa Naghiyev.

Lectures by chief department of the Institute of History, PhD in History Haji Hasanov "Agha Musa Naghiyev: the great Azerbaijani industrialist," a lead researcher Sevinj Mustafayeva on "Renowned philanthropist Agha Musa Naghiyev."

Deputies of Milli Majlis Ganira Pashayeva and Zhala Aliyeva, Dilara Jabrailova and other speakers noted that the book "In Search of Time", narrating the story of charitable and social activities Agha Musa Naghiyev, is fundamental research. It was noted that for the invaluable contribution to the development of the architecture of the city of Baku and the funds allocated on behalf Agha Musa Naghiyev, he stood first in the list of 11 millionaires.

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