Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.01.2017 17:00
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ANAS held a lecture on "The World of Fizuli"

ANAS held a lecture on "The World of Fizuli"

On 24 January, the Scientific Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" in the joint organizational support of the Scientists’ House of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Azerbaijan National Conservatory held a lecture on "The World of Fizuli".

The event, which was attended by employees of ANAS and the National Conservatory, as well as representatives of the public, was opened by the director of the Scientists’ House of ANAS, PhD in History Nurida Guliyeva. She noted that the lecture is dedicated to the great poet and thinker Mohammed Fuzuli, whose work is important not only for Azerbaijan poetry, but also in the whole of world literature.

Further, the pro-rector of Azerbaijan National Conservatory for Science, Associate Professor Lala Huseynova noted the importance of lectures, was aimed at familiarization with the brilliant thinker and a poet - Fuzuli. She told about the great contribution made by him to the treasury of world culture, and stressed that the work of "Leyli and Majnun" - works glorifying the culture and morality.

Spoke on "The World of Fizuli", Academician-Secretary of the Division of Humanities of ANAS, Academician Teymur Karimli told about the rich literary-philosophical heritage of Fizuli, whose immortal works are included in the treasury of world poetry.

The scientist said that the works of Fuzuli are objective poetic chronicle of his time. Unique artistic -scientific works of the poet in Persian and Arabic also had a strong influence on the subsequent development of Turkic literature.

Saying that in the creativity of Fuzuli and sang musical instruments, academician spoke about his statements about Roubaix, oud and tabile. He noted that sometimes the classics, like this musicologist, amazes and delights the reader, and underlined the importance of the volume of the poem Fuzuli "Eddie jam" ( "Seven bowls"), which tells of the musical instruments.

Then, speaking, People's Artist, Professor Mansum Ibrahimov and Honored Art Haji Agil Malikov told about the little-known aspects of the life and creativity of Fuzuli and moral views in his ghazals and gasida.

The lectures sounded Fuzuli Cantata performed by Shovket Alakbarova, as well as songs written to the words of the poet and gazelles.

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