February 6 a group of scientists and specialists under the leadership of the head of the Center for Caucasian Studies at the University of Tehran Mehdi Hosseini visited ANAS Institute of Oriental Studies after Academician Ziya Bunyadov. Scientists accompanied by Chairman of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Center in our country, Ibrahim Ibrahimi.
Welcoming the guests, Director of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Govhar Bakhshaliyeva told about scientific and cultural ties between the two countries and stressed that the Oriental Institute cooperates with scientific and educational institutions in Iran.
Then the head of the Caucasus Research Center Mehdi Hosseini told about the directions of activity led them to structure.
Prospects of cooperation between the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Center for Caucasian Studies were also discussed during the meeting. They also exchanged views on issues of joint scientific events in Azerbaijan and Iran, reciprocal visits of scientists, re-publication of books devoted iranovedeniyu at the Institute of Oriental Studies and the publication of new scientific publications in this field.
Then employee of University Shahid Beheshti Gamidreza Aziz, Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, corresponding member of ANAS, Shahin Mustafayev, chief researcher at the same institute, Doctor of History Solmaz Rustamova-Togidi, head of the Central Asia department, Doctor of Economy Dunyamali Valiyev spoke about the importance of joint cooperation.
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