Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.02.2017 10:49
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Institute of Information Technology celebrated International Mother Language Day

Institute of Information Technology celebrated International Mother Language Day

Institute of Information Technology held a scientific seminar dedicated to the International Mother Language Day. The aim of the seminar was to discuss a computer linguistics, language engineering and industry, informatics emotion, language reflection in the virtual space, as well as the introduction of computer technology in linguistics.

The event was opened by the Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology Academic Rasim Alguliyev, who stated that, 21 February was confirmed by UNESCO as International Mother Language Day around the world since 2000.

Academician noted that, national leader Heydar Aliyev has great merits in gaining state status of Azerbaijani language.

Informing about purposeful works done by government for protection of Azerbaijani language, scientist made speech on necessity of taken measures stemming out from official documents adopted in this field. According to scientist, “State Program on proper usage of Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirement of modern era and development of linguistics in the country” several tasks set forth appropriate bodies, including ANAS. Most of these tasks are associated with the ICT.

Then, chief department of the institute Dr. Engineering Ramiz Alguliyev made a presentation on “Scientific-theoretic challenges of language engineering and research directions” gave detailed information about scientists, different opinions, new approaches, terms, concepts etc.

Chief of Public Relations Department of the Institute Rasim Mahmud delivered a lecture on “Language industry as a segment of knowledge economy”. Making speech on basic principles of knowledge economy he brought to mind its key parts such as scientific research, education, mass media, ICT, language industry and information services.

Notifying that language industry consists of scientific research, manufacturers of language technologies, translation, localization and publishing activities, dubbing, as well as sectors of the tourism industry, he said that the language industry in the world is $ 40 billion dollars, while in 2020 the figure is expected to be $ 45 billion.

R.Mahmudov also drew attention to the statistics on world ranking of translation companies in 2016, the growth rate of global language market and its regional distribution, market volume translation types, ranking of web-cites according to the number of language services etc.

Sector chief of the institute Afruz Gurbanova delivered lecture on "Automatic establishing technologies for semantic network of terms in subject field” which conducted results of investigations, subject to the terms of the determination of the value of the power of semantic relations and so on.

A.Gurbanov noted that, it is important to recognize the semantic relationships between terms in the text. Thus, with the help of their terminology, semantic structure is described. Semantic relationship is the association among of words, phrases or sentences.

Then, Sector chief of the institute Irada Alakbarova made a presentation of “Emotion Informatics: analysis methods text tonality" and underlined that, emotion is complex and complicated form of human sensation.

Lecturer paid attention to the tones analysis fields, methods of emotions in text, key trends in emotion analysis, including the approaches to the analysis of text tonality.

Afterwards, associate of the institute Kamala Gurbanova informed about gesture (sign) language, its history, development stages and state-of-the-art. The most important means of communication among people is language. But language is not the only means of communication. So, during conversation hand movements and facial expressions pass information as well.

K.Gurbanova said that communication with gestures clarifies and specifies ideas of people who have physical limitations as well as healthy people. For this reason, the communication of gesture language, i.e. method of non-verbal communication is very important to bring to common point for different nations.

In closing, view of exchange was held on topics, sounded remark, opinion and suggestions.

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