Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.02.2017 09:27
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Meeting of the Bureau of the Department of Earth Sciences

Meeting of the Bureau of the Department of Earth Sciences

ANAS Department of Earth Sciences held meeting of Bureau on February 23. Opening the session, Academician-Secretary of the Department, Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov introduced the issues on the agenda.

First, were considered results for admission to doctoral studies and postgraduate education of research institutions for 2016-2017, first academic year. Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov noted that, the themes of dissertations must be chosen in accordance with the basic requirements and challenges facing modern science. Academician-Secretary of the department recommended that, doctoral students and dissertators continue to give preference to the priority themes that will contribute to the further development of relevant scientific fields.

After discussion and approval of theses and scientific leaders was passed a resolution on the representation of the reception of the results of the Bureau for consideration.

Next on the agenda was the issue on structure of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics. By resolutions of the Department, Doctor of Geology-Mineralogy sciences Ibrahim Safarov was approved for the position of Director of the Department of Experimental Petrophysics, PhD in Geology-Mineralogy sciences Salamov Avaz - for the position of Director of the Department of Engineering Geophysics, PhD in Geology-Mineralogy sciences Gulam Babayev - for the position of director of the Department of seismology and seismic threats Said Huseynov - for the position of Director of the Department of Public Relations.

In conclusion, some of the staff and current issues were discussed.

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