Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.02.2017 12:55
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“Genocide theme in Azerbaijan and world art” book presented

“Genocide theme in Azerbaijan and world art” book presented

On February 24, ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art held a commemorative event devoted to 25th anniversary of Khojaly genocide co-organized by this scientific venture and “Commission for Investigation of Genocides against Azerbaijanis”.

“Genocide theme in Azerbaijan and world art” book presented

On February 24, ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art held a commemorative event devoted to 25th anniversary of Khojaly genocide co-organized by this scientific venture and “Commission for Investigation of Genocides against Azerbaijanis”.

In advance, attendees got acquainted with the gallery devoted to Khojaly genocide. 15 paintings of ANAS associates were featured at the exhibition.

Event organized at the electron hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami was opened by Vice-President of ANAS Academician Isa Habibbeyli who made speech on historical tragedies which faced Azerbaijan, and Khojaly genocide, and stated that, this tragedy has gained legal-political estimation after national leader Heydar Aliyev’s second return to the power. He especially underlined Vice-President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva’s merits in delivering Khojaly truths to the world via campaign “Justice for Khojaly”.

Within the event, was also presented book “Genocide theme in Azerbaijan and world art”, generalizing materials about genocide theme in the visual art for the first time.

Lecture delivered by Director of the Institute of Architecture and Art, corresponding member of ANAS Ertegin Salamzadeh “Khojaly tragedy in fine art”, a leading fellow of the Institute of Literature PhD in Philology Marziyye Najafova “Khojaly genocide: from poetic scream to the universal charge”, and Deputy Director of the Institute of Architecture and Art of Science Assoc. Prof. Khazar Zeynalov “Investigating genocide theme in Azerbaijan and world art”.

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