Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Interinstitutional laboratories should be organized at ANAS
07.03.2017 10:17
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Interinstitutional laboratories should be organized at ANAS

On March 6, at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS the state and prospects of the development of research in the humanities were discussed. Academician Kamal Abdullayev, State Counselor of the Republic of Azerbaijan on interethnic issues, issues of multiculturalism and religion, who participated in the discussions, shared his opinion on the development of linguistics in Azerbaijan in accordance with the requirements of the modern era.

Noting that, the decrees and orders of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, signed in connection with the national language, set new tasks for scientists, K.Abdullaev spoke about the importance of studying the tendencies of the development of Azerbaijani philology both in the ancient and modern period.

By highlighting the need for regular study of ancient languages, the scientist noted that the training of highly qualified personnel in this field is one of the upcoming main tasks. He stressed that, students studying in the relevant field of the Master's program of ANAS should be sent to European countries to study the ancient Latin, Egyptian and Greek languages. After gaining the experience of these countries, inter-institute problem laboratories should be established in ANAS, domestic scientists should conduct joint activities aimed at solving various problems.

In conclusion of his speech, Academician K.Abdullayev noted the importance of further development of international cooperation links from the point of view of integrating the Department of Humanitarian Sciences into world science, obtaining more important scientific results, and presenting Russian scientists in authoritative scientific bases.

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