Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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09.03.2017 14:05
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“Traditions of cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan in the field of oil and gas education, science and industry.History and prospects“international conference held

“Traditions of cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan in the field of oil and gas education, science and industry.History and prospects“international conference held

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (SUOG) held "Traditions of cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan in the sphere of oil and gas education, science and industry History and prospects" international conference on March 6.

At the conference dated for birthday of Baybakov Nikolay Konstantinovich on report "Milestones of development of the oil industry. N. K. Baybakov's era" acted the President of the union of petroleum producers of Russia Gennady Shmal.

Let's note that, at birthday on March 6 in the yard of school number 67 in the Baku settlement of Sabunchi opening of a bust of Nikolay Baybakov who was born in this settlement took place.

Members of HAC, representatives of Embassy of Azerbaijan in Russia, prominent scientists, public both politicians of the Russian Federation and AR, representatives of culture, literature and art, students of the Moscow higher education institutions and many others participated in the scientific conference organized by the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress and RGU of oil and gas (NIU) of I.M.Gubkin.

On an action welcome letters to conferees from the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow, the Russian Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Union of Petroleum producers of Russia were read.

At the beginning of the conference the video record "Great names of the oil industry" was shown.

The conference was opened by the rector of RGU of oil and gas (NIU) of I. M. Gubkin professor Victor Martynov: "Historically Baku – the homeland of the oil and gas industry. The first wells, the first pipeline, the first oil tankages – all these technologies were for the first time applied in Baku. Gave such powerful rise firm "soil" for development of the oil and gas industry. The traditions of oil and gas case pledged at that time develop still. Oil and gas science and education develop, mainly, on the basis of a cooperation and common efforts of oil and gas universities of Russia and Azerbaijan". With welcome speech the President of HAC, Professor Fazil Kurbanov who thanked conferees for the shown interest and desire to take part in its work addressed conferees.

He noted what is scientific - the educational sphere is the main bridge connecting and uniting Russia and Azerbaijan:

"The scientific and educational cooperation of two countries of Russia and Azerbaijan has centuries-old history. Directly I want to note that thanks to influence of the Russian cultural community in the 19th century in Azerbaijan began to develop intensively dramatic art, theatrical and opera art, classical music. I want to note one fact. After disintegration of the Russian Empire various states began to be formed. In 1918 on the card appeared the Azerbaijani democratic state – the first democratic state in the east. And so fathers of this state whose most part got an education in the West, nevertheless, during creation in 1919 of the Baku university the rector invited scientists from Russia".

According to professor F.Kurbanov powerful scientific and educational intervention practically in all directions of science and education in the first years of the Soviet power allowed to liquidate illiteracy in the shortest possible time.

Within the framework of the conference, the ceremony of awarding the president of the Higher Certification Commission, Professor Fazil Kurbanov and Rector of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named Victor Martynov took place.

"Silver medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after A.Kh. Mirzajandzadeh. The vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Azizaga Shahverdiyev, awarded the medal;

The jubilee medal "70th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan" was handed to the President of the Higher Certification Commission Fazil Kurbanov by the first vice-president of ANAS, academician of ANAS Ibrahim Guliyev.

During the event, reports were given by students of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M.Gubkin, participants of the conference.

In conclusion, the President of the Higher Attestation Commission expressed gratitude to the staff of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) headed by Professor Martynov Victor Georgievich for the high level of the organization of the conference, as well as for the conference participants.

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