Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.02.2014 00:00
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The 80th anniversary of the academician Arif Pashayev is celebrated

The 80th anniversary of the academician Arif Pashayev is celebrated

At the Institute of Physics of ANAS held the action devoted to the 80th anniversary of the known scientist and the public figure,Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, State Prize winner, Academician Arif Pashayev. The event was opened by Director of the Institute, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nazim Mammadov, congratulated A.Pashayev in connection with the awarding him by the Order “Istiqlal” with the corresponding Order of the President of the country Ilham Aliyev for big merits in development of science and education and his 80th anniversary. Then with the report devoted to scientific and organizing activity of A.Pashayev, the deputy director for scientific work of institute, corresponding member of ANAS Javad Abdinov acted. During action also acted the Chief of Information of Institute, academician Chingiz Qajar who shared the impressions about the hero of the anniversary. Executive Director of Science Development Fund under President of the Azerbaijan Republic Elchin Babayev noted that due to the high organizational skills and diligence A.Pashayev achieved great success. The academician Magsud Aliyev who has acted during action, corresponding member of ANAS, Bakhadur Tagiyev, professors Eldar Gojayev, Salim Mekhtiyev and others congratulated Arif Pashayev and wished him further success on a way of development of the Azerbaijani science.

The movie devoted to life and activity of the academician was in summary shown.

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