Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.04.2017 12:14
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The students got acquainted with the laboratories of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry

The students got acquainted with the laboratories of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry

April 13, at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after Academician M.Naghiyev of ANAS was held the day of "Open Doors" for students of the Republican Lyceum with a chemical and biological bias.

Opening the event with an introductory speech, the Vice-President of ANAS, Director of the institute, Academician Dilgam Taghiyev reported on the implementation in recent years of the Academy of important affairs in the field of integration of education and science. Noting that the holding of similar events was of a traditional nature, the academician said that the goal is to shape the world outlook of schoolchildren, to increase interest in academic science, including chemistry. He wished the students success in their future activities.

Then the leading scientific employee of the Institute, PhD in Chemistry, Assistant Professor Shamo Tapdigov made a report on the theme "Inorganic polymers in living organisms". The scientist in his report, touching on the importance of polymers in human life, said that the composition of objects that we use in everyday life is rich in these materials.

Sh. Tapdigov noted that in recent years, various drugs have been prepared in complex with polymers and are being introduced into the diseased part of the human body.

Noting that the number of lung cancer patients has increased in the world recently, the scientist has brought to the attention that the institute has developed a polymer carrier that reduces the effect of this disease on the human body.

Discussions were held on the topic, students’ questions were responded.

Within the framework of the event, a quiz on chemistry was held for schoolchildren, the winners were awarded with certificates of encouragement.

In conclusion, the students got acquainted with the laboratories of the Institute. In the laboratory of analytical chemistry, he demonstrated a number of interesting experiments.

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