Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.04.2017 14:29
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1st International Forum of Caucasus Studiers launched

1st International Forum of Caucasus Studiers launched

The 1st International Forum of Caucasus Studiers started its work at the Central Scientific Library by organizational support of ANAS Presidium and Institute of Caucasus Studies on April 17.

Initially, the participants of the event visited the alley of the Alley of Honor, where they respected the memory of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev with deep respect, laid flowers to his grave.

The opening ceremony of the forum began with the execution of the national anthem of Azerbaijan.

Then, head of the Department for humanitarian policy of the Presidential Administration Fatma Abdullazadeh read out the congratulatory message of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the participants of the Forum.

ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh, opened the event and spoke about the significance of holding this Forum for the first time in history. According to him, the main goal of holding the first international forum of Caucasus scientists in Azerbaijan is to encourage scientists to more actively study existing problematic issues in the region and write scientific papers on this topic. According to him, scientists will thus render great support to the solution of the problems existing in the region.

Noting that, the Caucasus is a region that is in the center of attention of the world and where the interests of large states of the region are colliding, the president of ANAS said that there is a great need for carrying out scientific research on the geopolitics of the Caucasus region, events occurring in the states of the region, socio-political, economic Processes, great power politics regarding this region, conflicts and terrorism.

Touching upon the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, A. Alizade also noted that the research of scientists will play an important role in bringing to the world community these realities: "Armenia, violating the norms of international law, occupied 20 percent of the territory of Azerbaijan, as a result of which more than a million people became refugees and Forced migrants. Scientists can play a big role in bringing to the world the truth about Armenia's aggression towards Azerbaijan and in resolving this conflict".

At the event Chairman of Turkish Historical Society, Professor Rafig Turan, chairman of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Gennady Matishov, Vice-President of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Academician Roin Metreveli, president of the Academy of the Chechen Republic, academician Shahrudin Gapurov, member of the Royal Society for Central Asia, and Eastern studies Mikhail Baskhanov, professor at Karolinska University, USA Kristofer Gann, vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli, noting the importance of IU of the International Forum, stressed the special role of the Caucasian studies scholars in bringing up future generations of information relating to the Caucasus.

The forum also hosted a presentation of the book "The Truth about Genocide". The book is a collection of scientific articles in Russian and English on mass slaughter and genocide committed by Armenian terrorist organizations, Dashnak Armenia, modern Armenia against Azerbaijanis and other peoples. The book contains articles by Azerbaijani, Russian, American, Turkish, French, Israeli, Georgian and Uzbek scholars.

Within the framework of the event, an exhibition of books published in various languages about the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and its consequences was organized.

The Forum continued its work at the sessions of the sections. It should be noted that the reports will be heard at the sessions on the theme "Social and Economic and Political Situation of the Countries of the Caucasus", "Geopolitics of the Caucasus", "Caucasian Politics of Great Powers and Neighboring Countries", "Mutual Relations of the Caucasian Countries", "Conflicts in the Caucasus".

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