Today, Institute of Oriental Studies after Acad. Z.M.Bunyadov held a scientific conference “The year of Islamic Solidarity in Azerbaijan – goodwill mission for sake of unity and development” at the main building of ANAS.
The event was attended by Mohammad Tagi Khalili, Afghanistan's ambassador to Azerbaijan, Javad Jahangirzadeh, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Azerbaijan, Saad Ghazal, Deputy Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Azerbaijan, including representatives of the embassies Sudan and Iraq.
Opening the event Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies corresponding member of ANAS Govhar Bakhshaliyeva reminded the order of AR President on declaring 2017 as the year of “Islamic Solidarity” dated January 10, 2017. She stated that, Azerbaijan has contributed to the development of Islamic culture, emerge of tolerance environment, multiculturalism and setting up intercultural and intercivilizational dialogue.
Then, Academic-Secretary of the Division of Social Sciences corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova said that, there is a great need for creation of harmony and stability in the Islamic countries, thus moslem countries should act in a unite front by the international organizations. N.Akhundova also felt support of Islamic countries in the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh of Azerbaijan.
Director of the Institute of History corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov stressed out that, the challenge put forward by the conference is a crucial issue for Islamic world. Scientist also noted about the continuation of historical aggression against Islamic world up today and ruining of Islamic culture as a result of terror.
Then, acting Deputy Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Azerbaijan Saad Ghazal noted that, currently in Azerbaijan, representatives of all religions freely perform the religious rites of Islam and that he witnessed the observance of the conditions of Islamic tolerance in Azerbaijan. S.Gazal noted that, today the Islamic world is going through a period of fragmentation and deliberately distorts the essence of Islam.
At the event, G. Bakhshaliyeva delivered a report on "The Year of Islamic Solidarity - a far-sighted reaction to the challenges of the times." The scientist in her report noted that the announcement of 2017 as the "Year of Islamic Solidarity" is a timely, far-sighted political decision. It was reported that the Azerbaijani people, being an integral part of the Islamic world, was one of the founders of this civilization, and also presented invaluable pearls to its development and Evolution.
Having said that today the Middle East has turned into one of the tensest and crisis regions of the world, Bakhshaliyeva noted the importance of demonstrating the solidarity of Muslim countries in such conditions. G.Bakhshaliyeva also reported that today some Muslim countries, grossly violating the principle of Islamic solidarity, establish cooperation with aggressive Armenia in the economic and military spheres.
At the conference, head of the Department of the East-West Institute of Oriental Studies, Ph.D in theology Mammadali Babashli spoke on "The factor of Islamic solidarity and the possibility of bringing the truth about the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan", head of the department of history of religion and social thought of the institute, PhD in Philology Esmeralda Hasanova - "On the ideological and political foundations of Islamic solidarity in Azerbaijan Republic", a leading researcher at the department of history of religion and social thought of John titut, PhD in philology Ilkin Alimuradov on "Islamic solidarity and modern Azerbaijan," lead researcher at the Department of History of Religion and social thought, PhD in philology Elvusal Mammadov - "Tolerance in the Islamic issue", leading researcher of the department of the history of religion and social thought, PhD in Philology Aslan Gabibov - "Azerbaijan's experience in harmony between madhhabs", leading researcher of the department of the history of religion and social thought, Ph.D. in philology Leila Melikova - "Some aspects of Islamic post-reformism".
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