Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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27.04.2017 14:34
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Event devoted to the ethnogeny and national development problem of Azerbaijani Turks

Event devoted to the ethnogeny and national development problem of Azerbaijani Turks

Scientific seminar attached to the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography has held the next training.

Seminar chairman Dr. History Asadulla Jafarov noted that, today’s topic of the event was devoted to the ethnogeny and national development problem of Azerbaijani Turks.

Then, a leading researcher of the institute, PhD in History Khaliyaddin Khalilov submitted his lecture on “Ethnogeny and national development problem of Azerbaijani Turks”. Lecturer made speech ethnogeny problem of the people in Azerbaijan science, mostly in history, linguistics, ethnography, archeology, anthropology etc. He noted that, for the first time ethnographer Gahraman Garagashli has touched upon this problem, but since 40s ethnogeny problem was not investigated generally.

Kh. Khalilov specially highlighted anthropologist Rabiyye Gasimova’s studies in this direction. In modern era, N. Museyibli’s articles are of importance. It was brought to mind that, Asadulla Jafarov’s opinions about first human collectives during primitive era opens up new horizons in solution of ethnogeny problem.

There are different approaches to the investigation of the problem by different scientists and scientific schools. At the end of the XX century, Yusif Yusifov's proposed "ancient language" concept put forward in this direction differs for its comprehensivety.

According to the lecturer, start of ethnogeny process in Azerbaijan territory coincides with the period of transition from mother khaganate (matriarchal) to father khaganate (patriarchy). It is the end of khalkolith - early Bronze Age when ethnogeny process of Azerbaijan people was founded.

Lecture was discussed and numerous questions responded.

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