Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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28.04.2017 12:50
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The English scientist awarded the "Gold Medal after Nizami Ganjavi"

The English scientist awarded the "Gold Medal after Nizami Ganjavi"

Head of the Scientific Center of Azerbaijan Studies and Caucasus Studies after Nizami Ganjavi at Oxford University, British, Professor Robert Hoiland was awarded the "Gold Medal after Nizami Ganjavi". The award was presented to the scientist at the General Meeting dedicated to scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 2016.

Professor Robert Hoiland is awarded for his great support, which he is providing to scientific study and propaganda of the cultural and historical heritage of Azerbaijan on an international scale. Since 2012, the scientist has been cooperating in this field with the rector of the Baku branch of the Moscow State University after M.V.Lomonosov, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Nargiz Pashayeva. He was appointed the head of the Scientific Center of Azerbaijan Studies and Caucasus Studies, created at the Oxford University in 2013, after Nizami Ganjavi from the British side. In addition, Robert Hoiland is co-founder of the British Foundation for the Study of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus, which operates in England under the guidance of Professor Nargiz Pashayeva. Since 2014, the scientist has been leading archaeological excavations in the Barda, the capital of Caucasian Albania and considered the first Muslim defensive structure in the South Caucasus.

Robert Hoiland is the author of such fundamental research on the history and culture of the East as "Islam in the Representation of Others" (1997), Arabia and the Arabs (2001), Theophilus of Edessa (2011), "Following the Traces of God: Arab Conquest And the first Muslim empire "(2014). Proceedings of the scientist and today are used in the departments of Oriental studies of the leading universities of the world as important visual aids on the history of Islam and Muslim culture. Professor Robert Hoiland continues his research at the University of St Andrews (UK) and New York University (USA).

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