Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


30.06.2017 15:46
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Bureu meeting at Department of Social Sciences

Bureu meeting at Department of Social Sciences

On June 30, held Bureu meeting of Social Sciences Department of ANAS.

At the event, semi-annual reports of the research institutions for 2017 of the department were discussed.

Reports were prepared on the basis of the order of ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizade June 14, 2017, noted academician-secretary of the department, academician Nargiz Akhundova. 2 international conference, an international congress and seminar, 10 republic conference as well as seminars jubilee meetings scientific sessions were realized within report period, she emphasized. Department employees issued 43 books and 540 articles, N.Akhundova noted.

N.Akhundova reported that during the period the scientific institutions of the department carried out the activities within "Azerbaijan 2020: A Looki into the Future", "The State Program for the Restoration, Protection of Immovable Historical and Cultural Monuments, Improvement and Development of Activities of Historical and cultural reserves for 2014-2020 "," Strategic Roadmap for the National Economy and the Main Sectors of the Economy "," Year of Islamic Solidarity "and other issues of the State Program.

The report was approved.

Later, partial changes were made to the structure of the Scientific Council of the Institutes of Economy and History of Science of ANAS and Institute of Caucasus Studies.

In conclusion, a number of cadre problems were issued.

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