Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.07.2017 12:44
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A seminar devoted to the theoretical and methodological problems of folklore studies

A seminar devoted to the theoretical and methodological problems of folklore studies

A seminar devoted to the theoretical and methodological problems of folklore studies and organized by Institute of Folklore was held at Central Scientific Library of ANAS on the theme "The paradigm of folkloristics of social and human sciences: object and subject" by Sarkhan Khavari.

A number of outstanding folklorists, including representatives of other social and humanitarian scientific spheres, took part at the seminar.

Opening the event, head of the Department of the Mythology of the Institute, Doctor of Philology Seyfeddin Rzasoy brought to the attention that the seminar is devoted to theoretical and methodological problems of folklore, as a social and humanitarian subject area.

Then S.Haveri's report was heard.

Folklore, founded from the moment of its creation on the historical-comparative method and formed as an area with a philological profile, after the second half of the last century began to develop in a multidisciplinary direction on the basis of completely new theoretical and methodological views, the scientist noted.

The speaker stressed that the reason for the incident is a number of fundamental changes that have occurred in the social sciences and humanities.

Referring to the progressive world experience of the humanities, the scientist put forward an opinion on the concentration of folklore, mainly in the paradigmatic orientation blocks of the central folklore "text" and "context."

The report aroused great interest of the participants, discussions were held on the topic, answers were given to the questions.

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