Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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26.09.2017 14:27
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Scientists from the Institute of Folklore attended an international event in Turkey

Scientists from the Institute of Folklore attended an international event in Turkey

An international event titled "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow researches of Koroglu from Bolu to the turkic world" was held in Bolu, Turkey.

The event was organized jointly by Bolu Governorship, Bolu Municipality, Abant Izzet Baysal University and Ege University Turkish World Research Institute.

Director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanov and head of Dada Gorgud Department of the Institute, Doctor of Philology Ramazan Gafarli represented Azerbaijan at the conference, which was attended by 41 scientists from 13 countries.

Academician M.Imanov delivered a report entitled "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow's Studies of Koroglu in Azerbaijan". Scientist talked about the shortcomings of the epos in the texts of the USSR during the Soviet era and the alignment of separate branches of the folk epic to the Soviet ideology, as well as the publication of the 21st century variant of the epic.

The proposal of the academician was supported by the Bolu Municipality and Ege University Turkish World Research Institute.

R.Gafarli spoke at the conference with a short review of the history of the Koroglu epos in Azerbaijan and its history. In his report, the scientist gave a brief description of all the editions of the episode and clarified the causes of the shortcomings in the texts.

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