Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


08.11.2017 09:25
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Sheki becomes one of UNESCO's creative cities

Sheki becomes one of UNESCO's creative cities

Sheki, one of the most ancient cities of Azerbaijan, is now a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, an association supporting the formation of a network with the aim of promoting international cooperation between cities.

ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center (SSRC) was discussed issues regarding this decision of the organization, and forthcoming work and tasks.

Speaking at the event Director of the SSRC, Ph.D. in Physics Yusif Shukurlu appreciated the inclusion of Sheki in the UNESCO Network of Creative Cities as an important event in the life of the city. He said that, the adoption of this decision is one of the next successful steps taken in the direction of Sheki's recognition at the international level.

It was brought to the attention that, according to the decision of the UNESCO General -Director Irina Bokova the 64 cities from 44 countries are included in the "Creative cities network". The purpose of the network is further development of applied folk art, as well as the expansion of the tourist potential of cities, their recognition at the international level and the achievement of sustainable social and economic development. From this point of view, this decision by UNESCO can be considered the beginning of a new stage in the development of folk art in Sheki.

Speaking then, Deputy Director for scientific work of the SRRC, Ph.D. in Biology Farhad Azizov noted that, Sheki, which has ancient traditions of statehood, rich in history and high culture is one of the historical territories in which art and craft develop at a high level. It was emphasized that Sheki silk was famous all over the world, such kinds of craft as jewelry, pottery, takalduz, shebeke and others are constantly attracting the attention of tourists, and samples made by local craftsmen adorn special collections and museums.

With the aim of broader propaganda and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of Sheki, the meeting decided to enrich the exhibits of the Museum of Folklore, which was created earlier at the SSRC, to establish a museum in a wider composition in a separate corner, and to introduce the object into the tourist route. It was noted that, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan should be contacted to implement the above.

Also, the staff of the Folklore and Folk Crafts Department of the museum was given recommendations on enhancing scientific and organizational activities to provide the museum with all the artifacts typical of the Sheki region.

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