Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.11.2017 11:03
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Archaeological researches is ongoing in Shabran

Archaeological researches is ongoing in Shabran

Shabran archaeological expedition of ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography carries out archaeological research work in the archaeological monuments of Chaggalliggtepe and Almastapa in 2017.

During the excavations in the settlement of Chaggalligtepe I (Aygunlu village, Shabran district) conducted under the supervision of the head of the Institute Department, Doctor of Philosophy on the History Safar Ashurov was obtained interesting archaeological information.

Among the discovered ceramic products, along with the classical samples of the Kura-Araz culture, there are also materials typical for the north-eastern regions of Azerbaijan and the territory of Dagestan. It is assumed that some samples of ceramic products found in the monument date back to the period of chalcolite (Eneolithic). Stone, bone and ceramic products of the Chaggalliggtepe monuments are characteristic of the monuments of the northeastern Caucasus region of the early Bronze Age.

Another object of archaeological research of the expedition was a monument to Almastepe, located on the right side of the Samur-Absheron canal, at an altitude of 115 m above sea level. During the excavations it was established that the monument has two building layers.

Observations show that the second part of the monument was burned after the attack and the people, without taking any objects, have fled their homes.

Based on an analysis of collected land materials and excavation materials, scientists attributed the monument to Almastepe to the ancient period (approximately to the VI-IV centuries BC).

Currently, at ANAS Training Center of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, young archaeologists under the guidance of the Ph.D. in History Safar Ashurov are working on restoring and creating graphic images of the revealed artifacts, including conducting a comparative analysis of the received materials.

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