At a regular meeting of ANAS Presidium was listened the report of the Director of the Institute of Additive Chemistry, Academician Vagif Farzaliyev on "Synthesis, study and definition of the areas of application of new biologically active organic compounds" Oon November 15.
Academician stressed that, being chemical organic compounds, biologically active substances can have a stimulating or eliminating effect on biochemical processes. Noting that, hydrocarbon compounds are a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, he added that as a result of microbiological damage these substances become unusable, causing large material losses. He said that, the most expedient way to eliminate this problem is the use of biologically active substances - biocides. V.Farzaliyev noted that, the institute conducts scientific works to protect petroleum products from microbiological damage with the help of biocides, a large number of biologically active organic compounds have been synthesized and some of them have already found their application.
Academician reported that, a multidisciplinary scientific program in the field of synthesis and study of new biologically active compounds is being carried out in the institute headed by him jointly with the institutes of Microbiology and Physiology of ANAS: "125 new organic compounds including various functional groups were synthesized within the program".
V.Farzaliyev stressed that, in recent years the influence of new physiologically active substances synthesized in the Institute of Additive Chemistry on living organisms was confirmed by the Joint International Study Group created with the participation of the Ataturk University (Turkey), the University of Florence (Italy) and the University of King Saud (Saudi Arabia). He added that the primary results obtained were reflected in articles published in international journals with a high impact factor.
After listening report and responded the questions, ANAS Presidium adopted a resolution. The Institute of Additive Chemistry was instructed to ensure the practical application of research results in the synthesis of new biologically active organic compounds and to study the relationship between their structure and composition and their biological activity, and to continue research in the Joint International Study Group aimed at studying the biological activity of synthesized new organic compounds. The resolution also reflected the issue of expanding cooperation with the Institute of Biostructures and Bio-Imaging of the National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the company "World Medicine" engaged in this field. Also, Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences were instructed to ensure the continuation of joint research in the field of synthesis and study of biologically active substances and to take all measures to eliminate problems in the application of the results obtained.
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