Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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21.11.2017 10:25
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Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory held Kerim Kerimov’s 100th anniversary

Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory held Kerim Kerimov’s 100th anniversary

Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory after N.Tusi (ShAO) held event dedicated to Kerim Kerimov’s 100th anniversary, Lieutenant-General, prominent scientist and military figure, an active participant in the implementation of space programs, Hero of Socialist Labor, State Prize laureate, honorary member of ANAS and Chevalier of the Order "Shohrat".

Event attended by ANAS Vice-President, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Physical Mathematical and Technical sciences, Academician Nazim Mammadov, Director of the House of Scientists, Ph.D. in history Nurida Guliyeva and famous cosmonaut Oleg Kotov.

Speaking at the conference, Director of the ShAO, correspondent member of ANAS, Namig Jalilov provided detailed information on the history, activities, telescopes and research work currently carried out at the observatory.

The scientist noted that, scientific research is conducted in the field of two problems on "Dynamics and physics of celestial bodies" - a complex study of physical changes occurring in stars and nebulae; physics of the sun, physics and dynamics of the bodies of the solar system. N.Jalilov noted that, the observatory is conducting research aimed at ionospheric scintillations of astrophysical, radio astronomy, cosmological, high-frequency radio signals and their dependence on various cosmic air factors.

Then, speaking with a presentation on the topic "Perspective program for the development of manned space flight in Russia", Russian cosmonaut O.Kotov spoke about his personal experience in studying and exploring outer space with the help of manned spacecraft.

Then, the senior researcher, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics Bahram Guluzadeh reported on "Cosmonautics and Azerbaijan". The scientist in his report spoke about the exceptional merits of Kerim Kerimov in the creation of space vehicles and artificial satellites, the development of rocket and space technology.

In conclusion, Russian cosmonaut O. Kotov responded the questions of the participants of the event, made a commemorative photo.

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