Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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04.12.2017 10:24
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Academician Ibrahim Guliyev awarded the "Ecoworld" prize

Academician Ibrahim Guliyev awarded the "Ecoworld" prize

Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, vice president of ANAS, Director of Oil and Gas Institute, has been awarded with the highest award “Ecoworld” International Ecological Award - "For the Protection of Life on Earth".

Speaking at the ceremony, I. Guliyev said that Azerbaijan and Russia have two unique ecological facilities, such as the Caucasus and Caspian Sea. The vice-president of ANAS, together with his Russian counterparts, noted that projects for the study of the Caucasus and the Caspian were presented to the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research and four of them accepted.

At the end of his academic speech he thanked for the high award.

Then Elena Panina, a member of the State Duma's International Affairs Committee and President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Oleg Kuznetsov, presented awards to the scientist for his considerable contribution to the protection of the environment in Azerbaijan.

The Ecoworld Award was established by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in 2003. Academician Ibrahim Guliyev is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Award.

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