Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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12.12.2017 09:20
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The project of the Azerbaijani scientists has been awarded the prestigious international prize

The project of the Azerbaijani scientists has been awarded the prestigious international prize

The project of the collective of the Institute of Oil and Gas of ANAS, as well as employees of the Academy's scientific-research institutes, was awarded with the first prize of the international environmental competition "EcoWorld".

The project “Preventing evaporating for greenhouse effect reduction, reducing of burning of hydrocarbon gases and scattering of natural and technogenic sources” took the first place in the nomination "Ecological Operations, Resource Saving and Wasteless Technologies".

The project has been implemented under the leadership of Vice-President of ANAS, Director of National Academy of Sciences, academician Ibrahim Guliyev by the employees of the institute Fakhraddin Karimov, Rauf Mukimov, Shalala Huseynova, employees of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics - Corresponding member of ANAS Geylani Panahov, PhD in technical sciences Eldar Abbasov, a member of the Energy Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences - Alexey Denisov and Eldar Shahverdiyev.

Lida Ivanitskaya, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Competition Committee, First Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, gave a first-class diploma and honorary badge to Academician Fakhraddin Karimova, Head of Oil & Gas Geoecology Department, at the awarding ceremony at the State Duma.

This year's prize includes awards from 39 regions of Russia and 25 countries of the world, including USA, Germany, China, Azerbaijan, Greece, Vietnam, Mongolia and others. 240 projects were submitted. The competition was held in six nominations. EcoWorld international environmental award is a public award for environmental protection, environmental safety and sustainable development in the 21st century. The main objectives of the competition are the development of environmental policy, the improvement of environmental education and culture, the development of ecological science, the application of environmentally friendly technologies, improving the health of the population and the protection of biodiversity.

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