Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The next issue of the Elm newspaper contains interesting articles
12.01.2018 10:09
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The next issue of the Elm newspaper contains interesting articles

The next issue of the Elm newspaper, the press body of the Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, was published on January 12, 2018.

New edition reflects scientific conference on the 110th anniversary of academician Hasan Aliyev, the meeting of academician Akif Alizadeh with the newly appointed Ambassador of Mongolia to Azerbaijan Bold Ravdan, the report on scientific-organizational activity of the Physics-Mathematical and Technical Sciences Department in 2017, "In search of spiritual values " conference dedicated to correspondent member of ANAS Aliyar Safarli, materials about the cooperation agreement signed between the Central Scientific Library and "Azerbaijan" newspaper and new editions.

In addition, "Scientist and Teacher", "Looking Backward", "Life dedicated to Geophysics", "Interesting competition", "Mathematics the key of sciences ", "Scholar, tutor, organizer" and other articles are included to the new issue.

The newspaper also publishes a series of articles titled «Некоторые итоги завершившегося года», «В Отделении наук о Земле», «Через два года - в Science City», «Письмо в редакцию», «Точка опоры», «К истории гуманизма: взгляд из XXI века», «Десять научных прорывов 2017 года», «Наука для дипломатии и дипломатия в науке».

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