Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.04.2014 00:00
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Vital results of ANAS Institute of Chemical Additives demonstrated

Vital results of ANAS Institute of Chemical Additives demonstrated

Exhibition reflecting activity of ANAS Institute of Chemical Additives named after acad. A.M. Guliyev was demonstrated at the annual general assembly of ANAS. Exhibition was attended by head of Presidential Administration acad. Ramiz Mehdiyev, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov, ANAS president acad. Akif Alizadeh and delegates of the institute and organizations.

Acad. Vagif Farzaliyev, director of the institute gave detailed information about vital scientific results carried out here.

Academician paid to the attention works carried out within the framework of international grant projects of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic “Science Foundation”, Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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